Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome. Bienvenido. Mabuhay.

It seems to me that becoming a 'blogger' isn't perverted. It just means that you make your own posts about what you deem important via internet, with the added help of text, pic, and basic template. Thanks to recent inspiration chout outz to NAHRIGHT.com , ahitunaandwaffles.blogspot.com , and EVEN this little guy on pampersporvida.blogspot.com, I'm going to pursue my blogging career.

Even though I'm only 22 years old, its a little embarassing when you get outblogged by a baby who's barely coming up on a month old. (Isaiah Miles ;)

This blog will hold all sorts of media about my life, my thoughts, my randomocity and hopefully all the while capture my constant chase for TWO THINGS. Dunks ( If you don't know about the popular sneaker you may find yourself in the wrong blog) and Donuts, not only a tasty treat, but also those lovely circular things you find on your paycheck, BEFORE the decimal point. Lawd knows we can all use a few more of those o's.

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